Ok, my hair is kinda damaged because i've dyed it a couple times
and now every time i wash its really oil the next morning. I need some times on how to wash it, how many times should i wash it, what shampoo to use, how much shampoo i use or conditioner, how to keep it clean for a few days, how to make it less oily %26amp; looking natural !
please and thank you, if good ideas and tips high rating ! How do you wash your hair ? Hair tips !?
Use natural shampoo and conditioner. It helps to restore your hair, and you don't have to use as much of it as generic brands. Hope this helps!How do you wash your hair ? Hair tips !?
don't use a whole lot of shampoo or conditioner, depending on your length, i would use a little more or less than a dime-sized amount.
i read in allure magazine, if you condition first then shampoo, its suppose to wash away the residue of the conditioner, but i don't know if this actually makes it less oily. (but when you do shampoo only massage into your roots and scalp, and when you condition only get it on the ends of your hair.)
or on a weekend your not going to see anybody just don't wash your hair (just condition the ends) and start to wash it every other day or every 2 days.
as for a certain 'type' of shampoo and conditioner...you'll just have to do a trial and error of different ones. Since everyone's hair is different, one that works for someone else might not work for you.
Hope this helps and good luck!
If youre hair is oily the next day it might be the shampoo youre using. Switch shampoos and see what happens, if you still have the same problem, get a special shampoo for oily hair, that should help alot! If your hair is naturally oily then you only need to condition it once a week, if normal/dry hair, twice a week should be good if youre not using any heat to your hair (like using a blowdryer or straightener)
Be careful on washing your hair too much, you may dry out your hair. The natural oils in your hair help keep them healthy and silky
Try using the shampoo just on your roots. Don't spread it throughout your hair. Since it is oily, stay away from moisturizing shampoos. You may want to also rinse with cold water after shampooing, it takes the soap away better. Use a cheap shampoo like Suave, they work good with not so much build-up. Use a good conditioner. Do just the opposite of everything you do when shampooing. Use conditioner on just the ends, don't go near the roots. That is what could be causing it to be oily too. Rinse with hot water so that the conditioner doesn't stick to your hair.
I would also suggest using finishing products by 'Frizzes'. Try blow-drying to your roots to start and let up towards the ends. The heat will also help to dry-up the oil and it may allow you to go every other day when washing your hair.
get a good shampoo and conditioner for colored treated hair. get a deep conditioner. if your hair gets oily after you wash the conditioner out only put it on the ends of your hair. what I would do is wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner one day then the next just use conditioner and repeat this pattern. deep condition your hair once a week. use hot oil treatments once every 2-3 weeks. use heat protecting spray before using heating tools. and get a trim once a month to keep your hair looking healthy. stop dying your hair as well, highlight it every 6 months ONLY!!
good luck!
This seems to work really well for me. Might be different for you though. Normally i was my hair everyday but sometimes it gets less damaged if you do it every other. If you are going to use more of one it should be shampoo. Rub the shampoo into your scalp. Until its all fluffy. Conditioner is tricky. Don;t use too much and only but it on your roots, not your scalp. The two products that have worked best for me are Matrix and Tresemme. Rinse really well. You want something more professional than just regular suave but these two aren't much more expensive. When you brush your hair after you're out of the shower, use a comb. Start at the roots and work on to the scalp. Sure works for me. Even if I just let my hair air dry. :)
well they have products to help you.
My mom has damaged hari from dye and we use herbal essences for color treated hair.
you can also buy all kinds of heated oil to help.
its not good to wash your hair everyday try every other day.
I was told shampoo is mostly used for the scalp so make sure you dont use too much.
if you dont rinse your conditioner out correctly it can make your hair seem oily.
to make my hair soft I put mayo in it and wrap in plastic rap and blow dry it with heat. it helps
good luck hope I halped
My hair feels best whenever I use 'Head and Shoulders' shampoo (half a palm full), rinse it out, and use VO5 conditioner, about a palm full. Leave it in for about 5 minutes, rinse. I don't blow dry it, just use a towel. When it's dry, I use a straightening iron on it. That makes it really soft and pretty! as far as keeping it from getting oily, I'm not really sure, my hair doesn't do that, it just frizzes a lot when dirty.
I use Sunsilk shampoo and conditioner. But I was born with silky and straight hair, but i've died my hair a couple times and I used sunsilk and it became so much more smoother. Try Garnier too, or herball essence, but i suggest sunsilk =) Take a shower everyday. Morning, and night using shampoo and conditioner. It'll make your hair used to it.
you should use pantene or aussie shampoo and conditioner. pantene uses wax to make your hair shine, though so it just builds up....but aussie shampoo/conditioner is really good! take a shower every morning and blow dry it before straightening it or crimping etc.... because it will just damage and burn your hair. make sure to rinse all of the conditioner out because that will make your hair look greasy. try not to use too much hairspray or gel because that ruins your hair too...
good luck!!!!:)))) i really hope i helped!!!鈾モ櫏
all i do is, wet my hair first, then lather on some shampoo but first i put it in my hands, then i gently scrub or make circular motions in my hair, then i wash it out, %26amp; add conditioner, then i dry it with a towel, because it helps my hair get the volume that it needs.
and for your situation, do not wash your hair that much, id say wash it about 2 times a week, washing it everyday is not really good for it even if you think it is, but not washing it helps make natural oils and makes ur hair shine, and it looks better then the fake chemically products n stuff.. but washing it too much will damage it, and it might even help u get rid of that other oily stuff, try using a bar of soap in your hair rather then shampoo, it helps for me.. hope i helped hun %26amp; good luck :) x
It depends.... if you have short hair then I suggest you just use the normal amount of shampoo and conditioner but rub it into your hair really good. Then rinse completely. When you get out of your shower, comb it out. If you have long hair I suggest the same thing but more conditioner. It doesn鈥檛 matter what kind of shampoo you use. Also have you gotten a hair cut in a while? Your hair may just have a lot of split ends. Try getting a hair cut :-) good luck!
Herbal Essence Drama Clean Shampoo and Conditioner
Wet hair
Take a dime sized ammount of shampoo and scrub well. that means for a couple mins. and od it well. rinse well
take a dime sized ammount of conditoner and massage in. leave in for 7 mins. then rinse until it is all gone and then an extra min.
u rlly shld wash ur hair more if it ges oily, butu can nver go wron with a pony tail
Wash your hair everyday, and the best conditioners that don't make your hair to greasy is the stuff that comes with hair dye, I use Loreal hair dye and I save that conditioner and use it everyday.
i use pantene shampoo and conditioner and my hair isn't oily as much as it used to, so i recommend pantene. wash ur hair with shampoo and conditioner everyday.
the biggest thing is to rinse it very well and with the conditioner if it make your hair greasy then try using it on the tips only. the tips of the hair follicle, if kept healthy, are the start to healthy fresh looking hair.
Use any kind of Hydration shampoo. Most brands have many types of shampoo's. Just look for a Hydration one..
Washing your hair puts a lot of strain on your hair. Wash it every other day... and rinse with cold water.
Use a deep cleansing shampoo. If your hair is damaged it would be dry wouldn't it? Are you sure its not your skin thats oily? If it's really that greasy don't use conditioner.
I use plain shampoo only so my hair does not retain as much ';grease or oil'; throughout the day. Try to go out and buy generic shampoo and Chi鈩?shampoo and see what works better... sadly it's usually the generics. Good Luck...
head and shoulders shampoo
liscen take a shower every other day.Every other time you take a shower use shampoo but every shower use conditoner try panteen
when you put shampoo on your hair, make sure you get it in the roots by mashing your head with the shampoo/conditioner on you fingertips.
Use a specific shampoo for oily hair. I'm sure you can find one if you look in the store.
i put shampoo throughout my hair and conditioner at the tips. don't put conditioner all over your hair or else it will be really oily!
Im a guy. Once every other day. Soap products are really unhealthy if abused.
heads and shoulders the shampoo and conditioner wash it like once a day if it doesn't work go ask a salon
don't use conditioners. they actually make the hair worse.
Wash,rinse ,repeat
dove shampoo %26amp; conditioner works best for me
try it..
maybe you should try to change your shampoo
few shampoos would make your hair oily
take a shower
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