Friday, February 26, 2010

Anyone know any really good hair tips to make your hair gow-jiss?

I want it to be shinier and make it grow faster, any secrets??Anyone know any really good hair tips to make your hair gow-jiss?
I wanted to make my hair grow fast last year cause I wanted a longer style, so I looked online for something to help me. I eventually ended up at the website

So I bought the guide (which didn't cost much), and the techniques and recipes worked like a miracle!!! I was so surprised at how fast my hair started growing. It was awesome. So if you got a couple bucks to spare, I say you mind as well check out that guide. I'm glad I did. It was the best purchase I ever made. :) Other people have recommended it as well.Anyone know any really good hair tips to make your hair gow-jiss?
you should pick up some hair treatment stuff. i dont know what you call it but it's like conditioner but more concentrated. all you do is put it on your hair and let it soak for a while then wash it out. it makes your hair super soft and shiny and i'm almost certain you could find it very inexpensivley. also be sure to get your hair trimmed once in a while even if you are growing out because it will make your ends much healthier looking. you can also buy shine sprays at most drugstores.

hope i helped =)
Well, my hair is down to my butt so I know what I am talking about. There are products that make hair moist. I think you should use a moistener shampoo. Also try washing you hair every other day. Hair needs natural oils to keep it nice.
when you know can you let me know please im having a nightmare with mine at min arrrrrrg

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