I also perm itHas anybody tried anything from beauty 4 ashes, on african american hair?Tips to grow african american hair?
I'd suggest not trimming it so much because that's helping to create the problem you're dealing with - hair that's not getting longer. Your hair is growing an average of 1/2 inch per month and you're getting your hair trimmed every month, so you're basically negating your new growth! Tame those split ends ONLY when you notice them and if you take good care of your hair then you won't have much splits, if any, to trim. http://biracialhair.org/TheRules.aspx (at the very bottom she mentions split ends and you might want to follow some of the advice on her site to avoid them). She also offers advice on how she grew long healthy hair after years of never being able to retain length beyound an afro.
I wouldn't spend that kind of money on those products. You need to learn how to take care of your and that means dispelling the myths about black hair such as needing grease or a perm in order to grow long hair or to ';tame it.'; Blacks have the most fragile hair type of any race and it easily breaks off, so you have to be extremely gentle with your hair if you want to retain length and see it get longer. That means you have to sometimes do protective styles like braids and buns, you can't always use heat which causes damage and breakage, and you have to be very cafeful with how you handle your hair when you comb and brush it; you have to be VERY gentle with it. I could never figure out why I couldn't grow a bang and I eventually learned that it was the way I was brushing my hair that lead to it constantly breaking off. Also, some people's hair don't take too well to the chemicals and they find that they're able to grow long and healthy *natural* hair because the chemicals in the perm is what's breaking it off.
If you're using grease then switch to oiling your hair with a natural oil like jojoba or coconut, for example. These won't clogg your pores as much as grease. Clogged pores hampers hair growth. You might want to wash and condition your hair more regularly to keep your hair and scalp clean. I used to wash mine once a week when I was relaxed, now that I'm natural I wash 1-3 times a week. Hot oil treatments strengthen your hair, so when you do things that can damage your hair your hair can withstand some of it. You can use regular olive oil and heat it and massage it through your hair for a few minutes and rinse - do this before you shampoo/condition.
Beyond taking good care of your hair, you need patience, because your hair will grow about 6 inches per year, most people fall within the average (1/2 inch per month, 6 inches per year).
There's a lot of advice over the Internet about how to properly care for your hair so it can be long and healthy. The long hair care forum has lot of long haired naturals and relaxed people who take care of their own hair (mid-back and waist-length). Visit that forum and get advice about products and regimines.
Good luck!
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